
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A different point of view....

It's funny. I, like most my life everyday in some sort of assemblance of a routine. I wake up and get my day started. I drive to work, put in my 9-10 hours at my job, and drive home. Throw in there some sort of sporting practice or game a few times per week. Pretty normal right? I thought so - until last week, when I started my photography class. Granted - it's a beginner's course - but its affect on me has been completely transforming.

Now, when I get in my car each morning to go to work - not only do I have my purse and my lunch in tow, there's now a third item. My camera bag. It has now become a natural part, in the natural course of my day. It now goes everywhere with me.

Now, when I'm driving to and from work - along the same route I take everyday - I am seeing things from a different point of view. I drive by the same old tree, covered in moss - and think " the right lighting that would be a great shot".

Now, instead of taking that same route everyday to and from work - I can take advantage of being able to alter the route to see if there's anything I have never noticed before.

Now - instead of driving by the cool antique tractor implement, which is on the side of the road, outside someone's fence and think it looks cool - I turn my car around to go back and take a photo.

Now...I don't call them pictures....I call them photos......

Sunday, April 24, 2011

My first blog!

I wanted to create a blog, so that I had a venue for posting my photos, experiences, and thoughts.  I have always enjoyed taking pictures with my various point and shoot cameras, but never really thought of myself as a photographer.  Last year, my wonderful husband bought me my first dslr - my Canon EOS.   Over the past year, I have tried to expand my technical knowledge of using my camera - and experiment with my creative side.  

I absolutely love the freedom of expression that photographs bring me.  I love capturing some candid moment with my family, capturing the great moment of my son's sports, or capturing the emotion of nature.  I invite you to follow my adventures in photography on this blog, come back often - I promise to post at least once a week.  Forgive me if all I post to start are family, and nature - that is what I know and love.  I will try to broaden my portfolio as I broaden my knowledge.  Thank you in advance for visiting, and for your support of my adventures.